Thursday, March 13, 2008

Welcome to A-Town!

The early ‘80s vintage Chevy Silverado idling in front of me is spewing thick black smoke from where the tailpipe probably used to be. My little Japanese truck vibrates right along with the throbbing of eight cylinders of its Detroit-built, gas-guzzling motive power. The truck is lifted several inches to accommodate extra-large off-road tires and aftermarket shocks – but this is no coddled, weekend plaything; the grey paint is blistered from heat and time, and worn through to the bare metal in several patches. A large American flag sticker graces the rear of the tailgate, ironically grimed with the clouds of oily petroleum smoke drifting up from somewhere in the nether-regions beneath the chassis. A peeling NRA sticker in the rear window shares space with a bumper sticker that reads, “I’m not Mean; You’re just a Sissy.” The license plate frame plainly states; “Jesus Loves You; (but the rest of us think that you’re an asshole…)”

Welcome to A-Town!

This is the second morning that I have woken up in Atascadero, and I feel a little bit like I am back in rural Oregon. Kristin and I have been enduring the jabs from our friends who tease us with “Oh, you’re moving to A-trash-cadero?” We’ve heard it all, I suppose – Meth-Cadero, White-Trash-Cadero, etc... Obispeans always seem to think they are s-oooo cool!

I am going to have to champion the good things about 'A-Town!'

I comfort myself with the excellent blueberry scone in my hand from Hush Harbor bakery – the only place that I know of in the county that makes a decent baguette, right here in A-town.

We are off to El Salvador tonight, so probably have a lot to put here in a couple weeks when we return! Thanks to everyone who helped with donations and moral support. Check back for photos from our trip in April!


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