I wanted to stake out a place on the web to create and to share. This will be my first weblog project ever, and I don't know just what the frequency and/or length of contributions may be, but perhaps ultimately I will develop a pace and cadence that feels right.
I think that the main focus for creating this log is to foster sustainablity within my own life, and the lives of those around me. On so many levels, our society rushes headlong into the future while considering only the present. All of life on this planet is a complex economy of inter-related species, ecosystems, regions, cycles and ideas that wind throughout every animate and inanimate action and reaction; even forward and backward through time itself, connecting everything and everyone together at once. I wish to force this consciousness upon myself, and to hold myself accountable to living in accordance with this understanding in my daily life.
I especially wish to explore some of my favorite, meditative activities; growing things, creating things, and gathering good people and ideas around myself. There will definitely be discussions of gardening, preparation and enjoyment of food and wine, and celebration here.
Well, here it goes! I am excited and intimidated all at once, but this should be an interesting process.
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